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2010-5-25 14:03    作者:谢卫列

  You'll agree when you look at three things: the path of communication, the influence, and the investment and output ratio. Recently I talked with the president of a world-class 4A company and was surprised to learn that my RIO was three times as much as that of a lot of others’teams! This has proved my three original points of view which I emphasize at every“China Auto Net Media Forum”: the principle of being profession for its own sake, the idea of segment market and niche services, and the strategy of“unrestricted asymmetry”(smart power) communication. It’s this frame that gives me the say at 2010 China-US Business Summit to talk face-to-face with western US financial and media. It’s hard to imagine the anxious look on the US entrepreneurs queuing up to talk with me One on One if you have not seen it! I told Mr. Steven Shen, the Chairman of 2010 China-US Business Summit frankly:“As my country has given me the opportunity to create omnimedia, I feel dignified to be invited to 2010 China-US Business Summit because of my strength”. My belief was intensified when I heard him say“I’ve little expected that China’s media can have such a platform of personal influence that is not found in the US where the communication industry is very developed. You know, even the Oprah’s talk show is backed by teams and companies of over a hundred and you are alone?!”   

  Kim Holland, Representative for California Governor's Office and Co-Chair of China-US Business Summit and Xie Weilie, producer & anchorman of China Network Financial Review co-host the closing ceremony of the summit.


  Maybe Yahoo Finance Director Mao Yue was right when he said my personal omnimedia platform is merely a special case. But in a broader sense, it is a microcosm of the diverse operation innovation required to meet differing requirements of the subversion by new media. It shows that in the backdrop of interaction between process reengineering of socialized media resources and institutional transformation, whatever one person can achieve, one team, medium, or company can too. When the dedicated personal efforts are brought into full play, you will have an Archimedes’pivot in expertise in a niche market! Innovation and subversion are interweaved here. This is true for personal strategy and even more so for group and society strategy.   

  I have presented higher strategic targets according to my smart power strategy: all walks of life, all viewing angles (360°)?personal macro strategy that attracts attention of omnimedia; and at the same time define personal micro media strategy as“zoom in or zoom out”, which is actually the mobile micro blog strategy appeal of my personal omnimedia platform ?without Twitter, Myspace, and Facebook, it is still possible to achieve 1:1 audience sticky communication when we fit well with local circumstances in China! For this reason, I really understand and support Sina auto channel editor-in-chief Su Yunong’s endorsement of micro blog in his keynote speech and the concept based on SNS emphasized by Mop auto channel editor-in-chief Song Le.  

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