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2010-5-25 13:54    作者:谢卫列

  Look at how the media is doing around the globe. In the UK, 70% of local newspapers have been closed and 15% of the USA’s media employees have“retired”in the past two years. Regional newspapers like The Christian Science Monitor and TV Weekly have shifted from hard copy to network edition. In contrast, across China’s media industry only China Journalists News was washed out last year. The“hypernormal”state indicates how difficult the communication institutional transform can be. I cannot predict what else will come along after the numbness brought about by the super-stability of the traditional media. But new media will grow explosively in fighting back. During the transit from Web2.0 to 3.0, you will find the advent of SNS and micro blog has shifted information communication from traditional mass media to personal“media”, from reactive release to active discovery, and from predefined distribution to customized sharing! Revolutionary features such as the high enrichment, fragmentation, and randomness brought about by micro blog, in particular, has dried the last drop of dignity of China’s entrenched media industry. The Internet of Things after the internet, 4G after 3G, three screen integration (computer, TV set, and mobile phone) after three net integration (telecom, cable, and internet), and omnimedia after multimedia, all of which are innovative musts for radically changing China’s media strategy. The keywords of the Internet of Things, 4G, three screen integration, and omnimedia will be the very nodes in overcoming the policy and institutional defects in the next five years.   

  As one of the explorers of the business model of new media in China, I have witnessed my“China auto information broadcast”has upgraded to“China Network Financial Review”. I think that in terms of innovation for niche market where broadcast and TV are integrated cyber content providers, Sinosight has arguably built a prescient“microcirculation”strategic platform?an omnimedia platform led by personal brand, with omnimedia portfolio consisting of the best media resources:“My car”of The Travel Channel, Lao Xie auto talk of CNR China Business Radio,“financial view”, Auto Weekly of China Quality Daily & China Consumer News, the auto& finance channel of ten portal websites (blog& mobile micro blog). The audience from Monday through Sunday reaches over 100 m person times. We’ve extended our focus beyond the auto industry to a lot of other areas of finance (excluding stock market& financial planning, and sports industry) and become the most universal player with the biggest audience stickiness in the“microcirculation”of China’s media industry. Even at 2010 China-US Business Summit held in Los Angeles, my introduction of personal omnimedia platform left a deep impression on attendants including representatives from the International Trade Administration, California State senators, and US entrepreneurs. The local media executives arranged 1:1 confidential meetings through the organizing committee to let the US media know more about the innovation from China! I personally think in a sense the omnimedia platform I have invented rivals or outshines the US’s major media in mechanism, operation, and especially performance.   

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