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2010-5-25 14:03    作者:谢卫列

  As Confucius argued there could not be construction without destruction. For China media industry strategy to innovate, it has to be changed fundamentally. In particular, it cannot neglect corporate or even individual social responsibilities, which is also the clue I used when setting the theme for the“8th China Auto Net Media Forum”as“responsibilities in post-financial crisis era”. As I mentioned in the preface,“China auto public good initiative”created by me and elites from China’s major auto net media”contains a media strategy featuring public good. As one of the originators, I consider the creation and acceptance of“China auto public good chart board”four years ago marked the start of China’s auto industry in public welfare. Today we can see that corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a strategic direction of a harmonious society followed by numerous auto companies. I think if the innovation in industry media strategy can cover other areas like financial economy and industry economy in a broad sense, we’ll have real subversion and real innovation! In my omnimedia platform strategy, public good is the vital hinge of our spiritual& moral standard. The gratefulness and influence thus generated provide source for my innovation in micro media strategy. I believe China’s media strategy innovation should be based on people-oriented Scientific Outlook on Development and public good forms the basis of macro media strategy.   

  I have learned from personal experience in subversive innovation in China media strategy that any technology, model, or content will have a place in China’s media industry strategy. Some things are not moved at first in the process of innovation, until finally all is replaced by the new media. And personal omnimedia platform is merely a very small portion in social system reengineering.   

  Nine years ago when I left veryauto started by soft bank risk investment, I told Mr. Zhou Zhixiong, the representative of the risk investment management,“I believe my proposal about multimedia (there was no concept of omnimedia) operation based on my understanding of China’s media will eventually make profits…”Now, nine years later, I'd like to say thanks, I’m making profits without risk investment and every cent is my own! Thank-you again for soft bank for allowing me to put the strategic construction into practice and giving me the chance to make a speech at 2010 China-US Business Summit about the Chinese spirit that rivals the America spirit-that is, risk taking, independence, persistence, optimism, and realizing dreams!! And that’s the way it is (as Walter Cronkite puts it).   

  I’d like to give this speech to my mother, who is very sick now and thank her for giving me life and vigor.   

  Exclusive interview of Congresswoman Judy Chu by Xie Weilie, producer &anchorman of China Network Financial Review.

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